Our phones are powerful tools that allow us to record the small, meaningful moments of daily life without missing a beat. By stitching together these clips, I create heartfelt movies that tell the story of our family's journey, preserving the laughter, adventures, and tender moments that might otherwise be forgotten. These family movies are more than just videos; they are treasured memories, artfully compiled to relive and share the joy of our experiences with loved ones for years to come.
Pure Joy: Sliding at the playground at Kyle City Square Park
There isn't anything greater than a child's smile. You can fight me on that! So when you catch them in their element, sliding down a giant slide with that BIG OLE smile- that's gold right there. No other feeling can top that!
A Texas Snow Down in 2021
I think us Texans all know this: when it snows, we MUST document it. Snow is magic for us (except when it shuts the whole state down for a whole week- but that's another story). Next time it snows, be sure to capture it on camera. Your kids will get a kick out of watching it years down the road!
Birthdays are always special- but what isn't special, is having a gazillion photos of your kid opening up their presents. You're not going to remember the presents years down the road- but you're going to remember the story of when your star musician received their first guitar, or when grandparents came to visit.

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